DIY Easy Wide-leg Pants

DIY Wide-leg Pants- A super easy tutorial with step-by-step instructions and photos!DIY Wide-leg Pants- A super easy tutorial with step-by-step instructions and photos!
DIY Wide-leg Pants- A super easy tutorial with step-by-step instructions and photos!DIY Wide-leg Pants- A super easy tutorial with step-by-step instructions and photos!
DIY Wide-leg Pants- A super easy tutorial with step-by-step instructions and photos!

Hey guys! Today I have this super easy DIY for you (can you tell I’ve been watching too many Youtube videos? haha). The 70s are back in this season, and the trending silhouette is flared pants. Although I’m not a huge fan of that era, I thought I’d give the trend a try, which lead me to make these cute, wide-leg pants. I think they’re really polished and are a more modern interpretation of flared pants. They almost give off a Parisian-vibe, with the vertical stripes in black and white (self high-five for the rhyme) But guess what? These are actually super loose pajama pants with an elastic waistband, making them so comfy and easy to make. An hour tops! I absolutely love clothes that are comfy yet look really polished/high-end and these DIY pants fit the bill. Anyhow, let’s get on with this tutorial! :)

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Fall 2015 Trends

Now that we’re halfway into fall, here are the trends for this season. My favorite has to be terracotta- colored clothing. Though it is the color of plant pots, I’ve been waiting for a break from the maroon and burgundy we see every fall and here it is! Which trend are you most excited to try out?

Color: terracotta

fall 2015 trend- terracottaImage via 1, 2, 3

Fabric: suede

fall 2015 trend- suede

Image via 1, 2, 3

Silhouette: super high waists

fall 2015 trend- super high waistsImage via 1, 2, 3

Item: ponchos

fall 2015 trend- ponchos

Image via 1, 2, 3

Detail: lace-ups

fall 2015 trends- lace upsImage via 1, 2, 2

Accessories: skinny scarfs

fall 2015 trend- skinny scarfs

Image via 1, 2, 3

Shoes: slip ons/ loafers

fall 2015 trend slip ons
Image via 1, 2, 3

