Category Archives: Personal

What I Did Right in 2014 + 2015 New Year Resolutions

Since it is the end of 2014, I thought I’d take some time reflect on myself and what I did this year. This post isn’t sarcastic at all (unlike my other posts); it’s quite deep and it’s meant to be taken seriously. I took the time to collect my thoughts and really think about who I am. It’s everything I’ve got in my heart and more. If that’s not your cup of tea, then look forward to the posts following after this which are much more fun and less personal. With that being said, this is what I did right (trying to stay positive here) this year and my goals for 2015.


image via

– I started a blog.
– I started homeschooling.
– I approached a publisher and got a book deal (I’M WRITING/ GETTING MY BOOK PUBLISHED)
– I read more than ever and kept on learning when possible.
– I wasn’t afraid to try new things and frequently went outside of my comfort zone.
– I saw the world with my own eyes and realized what it really had to offer.
– I got out of my trance of “I’m still a kid”.
– I learned to accept myself for who I am.
– I figured out what I’m going to do with my life and how to move forward.

Looking Forward to 2015 (Ha! See what I did there? Looking forward as in “moving forward” but then I’m also excited for 2015? No? Ok, nevermind.)

– Become more down to earth; selflessness.
– Set reasonable goals.
– Interact with others more.
– Help others and be more charismatic.
– Stick to my gut.
– Let go of the little things and move on.
– Be more productive.
– Appreciate what I already have.
– Worry less and enjoy more.
– Be a better person in general.

 Specific Goals
– Continue blogging with a plan, most likely 2-4 posts per week, including an outfit post.
– Re-brand this blog.
– Build a community and start accepting contributors/ guest posts.
– Learn to take my own outfit photos.
– Build a serious portfolio.
– Prepare my book for publication.
– Submit my writing to different blogs and magazines.
– Write the fictional novel I’ve been dying to write.
– Forget about the little things and move on.
– Exercise more (cliché but I’m horrible at this) and maybe pick up a sport.
– Drink more water.
– Go to sleep early.
– Learn to use my planners properly and stop doodling in them.
– Draw and paint more, but not in my planners

I think that’s all I have for today. Take the time to reflect on yourself and your actions this past year. What did you do right? What could have you done to make the year better? What are your plans for 2015?




My Life in Numbers: 2014 Edition

my life in numbers

I really felt the wanting to blog today but really can’t get my head straight so I thought I’d share something a little more simple and personal.

So here it is, my life in numbers:


1- How many siblings I have.

2- How many sewing machines I currently have.

3- How many countries I’ve been to.

6- About how many times I say “I love you” to my mom each day. :)

7- How many hours a day I spend doing something craft related.

9- My favorite number.

12- How old I am.

17- Number of tabs open on my browser (yeah it’s a lot).

19- Posts on this blog (including this one).

23- Number of states I’ve been to.

42- How many times I daydream each day.

35- Things on my Pinterest bucket list.

41- Number of pictures on Instagram.

100- Reasons why I should be more organized.

301- Number of tweets.

4501- How many things I’ve pinned.

4792- Number of pages views as of now (yay!).

304,124- Yards of fabric I currently have (this is an really rough estimation).

819,231,820,948,012,481- Things I have to do.




