Tag Archives: Trending

Fall 2015 Trends

Now that we’re halfway into fall, here are the trends for this season. My favorite has to be terracotta- colored clothing. Though it is the color of plant pots, I’ve been waiting for a break from the maroon and burgundy we see every fall and here it is! Which trend are you most excited to try out?

Color: terracotta

fall 2015 trend- terracottaImage via 1, 2, 3

Fabric: suede

fall 2015 trend- suede

Image via 1, 2, 3

Silhouette: super high waists

fall 2015 trend- super high waistsImage via 1, 2, 3

Item: ponchos

fall 2015 trend- ponchos

Image via 1, 2, 3

Detail: lace-ups

fall 2015 trends- lace upsImage via 1, 2, 2

Accessories: skinny scarfs

fall 2015 trend- skinny scarfs

Image via 1, 2, 3

Shoes: slip ons/ loafers

fall 2015 trend slip ons
Image via 1, 2, 3



Music Festival Necessities + Tips!

cochella concert band night

Now that it’s mid-spring and nearly summer, time for music festivals and Cochella which is right around the corner. Although I haven’t experienced Cochella myself, I’ve heard plenty about it and have gone to similar events before. I absolutely love the effortless, laid-back, chill vibe and the boho style of clothing.

Tip #1

There’s a lot more to festivals that what you see on Instagram with girls and their cute get-ups. Try not to overdress; too many accessories will just get in your way. Make sure everything you wear is very dance-able, no crazy hats or necklaces flopping around.

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